Spirit Blade Productions Newsletter, October 2013
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The Christian Geek Central Network

If you haven't heard yet, we recently launched the Christian Geek Central Network over at christiangeekcentral.com. The network is currently made up of four different podcasts, each creating high-quality content of particular interest to Christian fans of geek entertainment, like genre fiction (sci-fi/fantasy/horror), video games, comic books and other awesome geekery.
Each podcast offers something fun, thought-provoking and unique and regularly produces high quality content. For more information about the podcasts in the Christian Geek Central Network, visit christiangeekcentral.com right now!
Fun With Computers
Okay, so actually I'm having the opposite of "fun with computers" lately. The laptop I do most of my day to day work on has had a noisy fan lately and finally gave me a startup error that prevented me from using the computer any further. I spent an afternoon finding out what options will NOT help the problem, and also began looking into repair scenarios.
Later, after a little more troubleshooting, the fan now seems to be working, and working quietly. No startup errors. All the same, I've been updating my backup of everything I need and will be working off my external hard drive for awhile until I see if anything blows up.
This is just one more reminder that I really have no business attempting to do what I'm doing. Internet ministries, businesses or endeavors of any kind ought to be run by folks who are much more knowledgeable than I am when it comes to computers. But I'm convinced that, for some reason, God is directing me to what I'm doing, despite it taking me out of my skill set on a such a regular basis.
Yes, I know. There are numerous examples of God doing the same thing with so many others in scripture. And it makes sense. What better way to show how powerful you are than to purposefully use inept people to serve you and thus stack the odds against your success? (I think Raan Galvaanik made that observation in Spirit Blade or Dark Ritual, or maybe it was the Novella.) But here, in the moment, it's still frustrating. Still a challenge to trust God and be content with the situation he has placed me in for the rest of the day or week.
I can't help but wonder, though, if it may do me some good to break from my normal routine and have a little extra breathing room to see what Yahweh might be saying or giving me opportunity to see right now.
Free Shipping For T-Shirts Oct. 30th-31st!
Spreadshirt is offering FREE SHIPPING with no minimum orders on October 30th and 31st!
If you've ever thought about getting one of our t-shirts, now is a GREAT time! Multiple colors, sizes and fits available. Use the Coupon Code: SWEET2013 and check out our spreadshirt store right now!
As always, there's a TON more to explore at spiritblade.net!
-Paeter Frandsen

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