Spirit Blade Productions Newsletter, April, 2013
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"A World Of Shadows" Casting Complete!
After nearly two months of auditioning, the casting for "Spirit Blade: A World Of Shadows" is complete! I knew from the beginning that this project would be the most difficult to cast of any of my projects so far, and I was right.
The script attempts to "open up" the world of Spirit Blade more, populating it with even more characters and groups of people. I knew that to cast this project I'd have to step well outside the limitations of the circle of actors I know personally. I've leaned on that circle quite a bit for previous projects, only significantly searching outside of it for the first time with "Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude Of A Dream". This time I knew I'd need to find a significant amount of "new blood" to fill out the cast, but had no idea what I would have available.
Of particular challenge, I thought, would be the casting for the three new child/young adult roles, and the handful of new male roles. I wasn't even sure I would get many children or men auditioning for this strange little sci-fi project. I got a flood of child auditions, many of which were not what I was looking for, a few of which were promising. In the end I surprised myself by casting two adults with uniquely young sounding voices as the two teenage roles, and none other than the daughter of "Vincent Craft", Sydney Hesson, as Merikk's granddaughter.
I found more success in casting men through the online auditions. I wasn't expecting to get many useable performances online, usually due to the quality of the actor's microphone/recording equipment. But I wound up casting about four male actors through online auditions!
I had a TON of female auditions, none of which resulted in casting I'm afraid. In the end I resorted to begging favors from Kristina Rogers (featured in "Similitude Of A Dream") and an old friend from my high school drama club to fill out the needed female roles. Both women are wonderful actors and I'm thrilled to have them involved, even though the road to that end was a bit unexpected.
I still came up a bit short in the male role department. But with a little bit of begging, stretching and swapping I was able to figure out how use some actors I'd already cast in multiple roles in order to get all my bases covered.
Now I'm in the thick of scheduling a ton of recording sessions and hope to have everyone's lines in the can by the end of May! We'll see!
Christian Geek Central Update
We're just a few details away from the alpha launch of Christian Geek Central. In order to be ready, though, we need to adjust the color scheme of our forums to match the CGC website. However we're in need of a second technical administrator for our forums, at least for this transition, in order to get things off the ground.
Of particular challenge, I thought, would be the casting for the three new child/young adult roles, and the handful of new male roles. I wasn't even sure I would get many children or men auditioning for this strange little sci-fi project. I got a flood of child auditions, many of which were not what I was looking for, a few of which were promising. In the end I surprised myself by casting two adults with uniquely young sounding voices as the two teenage roles, and none other than the daughter of "Vincent Craft", Sydney Hesson, as Merikk's granddaughter.
I found more success in casting men through the online auditions. I wasn't expecting to get many useable performances online, usually due to the quality of the actor's microphone/recording equipment. But I wound up casting about four male actors through online auditions!
I had a TON of female auditions, none of which resulted in casting I'm afraid. In the end I resorted to begging favors from Kristina Rogers (featured in "Similitude Of A Dream") and an old friend from my high school drama club to fill out the needed female roles. Both women are wonderful actors and I'm thrilled to have them involved, even though the road to that end was a bit unexpected.
I still came up a bit short in the male role department. But with a little bit of begging, stretching and swapping I was able to figure out how use some actors I'd already cast in multiple roles in order to get all my bases covered.
Now I'm in the thick of scheduling a ton of recording sessions and hope to have everyone's lines in the can by the end of May! We'll see!
Christian Geek Central Update
We're just a few details away from the alpha launch of Christian Geek Central. In order to be ready, though, we need to adjust the color scheme of our forums to match the CGC website. However we're in need of a second technical administrator for our forums, at least for this transition, in order to get things off the ground.
If you'd be interested in helping out and are familiar with CSS, please e-mail me for more information at paeter(at)spiritblade(do)net
As always, there's a TON more to explore at spiritblade.net!
-Paeter Frandsen

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