Spirit Blade Productions Newsletter, July 12th, 2012
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Seeking SBUA Audio Drama Producer
This summer I'm taking time to adjust my schedule and leverage my future work hours better. Part of that involves looking for a Producer to take over much of what my role has been in The Spirit Blade Underground Alliance as it pertains to audio dramas.
The role of Producer that I am looking to fill mostly involves being in regular contact with the directors of any audio dramas in production, getting progress reports, encouraging them and asking about how they can help.
This role doesn't require any knowledge of audio mixing. It's primarily about keeping people motivated and moving forward. It requires a weekly e-mail to project directors (there are currently 3 projects in production, which is more than usual) as well as follow-up e-mails to any responses.
The role of Producer is strongly supported by me. A Producer can e-mail, call, or text me with questions any time. Any questions or topics a Producer doesn't feel equipped to address can be forwarded to me.
Again, this isn't a role requiring audio mixing knowledge of any kind. It needs someone who is humble, good with people (via e-mail anyway) and who can be organized and consistent about contacting people in a project, or coordinating connections between people involved in a project. (Such as CCing both a director and a new actor and "introducing them" to each other, or other similar "social/organizational" e-mails.)
For more information, please e-mail me at:
I'd love to get this position filled as soon as possible so that the audio dramas in production now (which have slowed a bit due to my time budgeting) can get back on track and out into everyone's ears!
Spirit Blade Special Edition Commentary, Part Three!
Part 3 of my commentary for "Spirit Blade: Special Edition" is available now!
Is Spirit Blade "Preachy"? Why does it present the Gospel so strongly and how do I feel about the potential "preachiness" of Spirit Blade? Plus, a look at how I choose and utilize musical scoring!
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